I’ve been digging back through old files, working on the BeforeAfter Camera. I attempted to modify the Mijick Camera Demo. I still need more knowledge to pull this off. Here’s to more work!
Beginning to work on my app for the month. I plan to build an app I had begun working on a few years ago. It’s a simple camera app that allows you to display a “before” picture over the current camera view, so that you can line up the “after” picture to be the same… Continue reading 01/17/2025
No actual programming today, but I did get Xcode hooked up to Git, and published a repository. Also bought the 1 1/14″ pole and a digital caliper for the airplane.
Finished the Alphabetized game. Still not 100% on the coding, but it works. I’ll have to continue to have a better understanding of iOS programming. My wire for my aircraft kit seems to have gone through. I’m waiting on verification from RANS, but super excited to have movement on that. That will be a whole… Continue reading 01/15/2025
No progress on 01/13/2025 – It was a busy day with dentists and AC appointments. Today is back to the Alphabetizer game. Continuing to build it out, specifically building the messages part.
Working on building a game. Working with existing code again. I don’t have much to say, working on this on weekends is more difficult. Lots of setting up the @Environment, and pulling from that Environment. Learning about enum. Much work to do still. I’ll get there.
https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/develop-in-swift/complete-a-game-with-logic Began working with an existing codebase. Exploring someone else’s code, and working to modify it.
We finished up the Friends Favorite Movies app. We finally connected a friend to a movie, in a many-to-one relationship. Many friends can favorite the same movie. We added views for empty lists with no friends or no movies yet added to the app. Very cool, learning a lot. 10 days in.
We added to yesterday’s app, adding the ability to add, edit, and delete both friends and movies. We used sheets, and toolbars, and modified how and when those appear based on the context that we’re using them in. For Reference: https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/develop-in-swift/create-update-and-delete-data
Working with sample data. We’re created tabbed view to show a list of friends and their favorite movies. We’ll create a class for our SampleData that does not persist in memory, and is only called on the first time our app runs. Side note, I ordered my airplane kit today. I ordered the tail, rudder,… Continue reading 01/08/2025